Friday, November 5, 2010

The Case of the Missing Shoe

Did an Open House at Yonge and Eglinton a while back. Now if you have ever been to an open house the one thing you might notice are shoes. Lots and lots of shoes. Think school children winter shoe policy. Shoes everywhere. One would be excused for taking a minute or two to find their's. However as you might have predicted by now the inevitable did happen.

I got a call mid week from a person who claims they put on the wrong shoe and only now did they realize it. Long story short the man wanted me to compensate him for the mishap! claims the shoes are worth $$$ and went on and on about it. He even went through the trouble of sending me the picture of the mis-matched pair (see above).

.. and so.. yadda yadda yadda, let's just say I was nice enough to help the man out.

I am now starting to think of ways to protect myself from such incidents. The problem is people are already sensitive about putting their contact info on the open house sign-in sheet, imagine if I start asking for their shoe size and make as well?

Until I figure it out however there is still one thing that puzzles me. What ever happened to the other person who walked away with the wrong pair? I never heard from him again. Apparently he was okay with new look.

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